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Discover GSA’s 170+ affiliated Grad Groups available to enrolled graduate students at the University of Melbourne.
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- Creative, media & performance
- Faith & spirituality
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- Physical activity, sports & games
- Political, campaigning & social justice
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- Webinars
- Welfare & wellbeing
180 Degrees Consulting Melbourne (180DC)More
African Studies Group (ASG)More
AI Development Group (ADG)More
Anatomy and Physiology Student Society (APSS)More
Animal Welfare Science Students of the UoM (AWSSUM)More
Asia Institute Postgraduate Group (AIPG)More
Australia Awards Scholars Club (AASC)More
Australian Holistic Health Student Association (AHHSA)More
Australian Students’ Society of Haematology (ASSH)More
Bioinformatics Graduate Student Association (BGSA)More
Biomedical Engineering Postgraduate SocietyMore
Biosciences Postgraduate Society (BioPS)More
Built Industry Group (BIG)More
Burnley Campus Postgraduate Group (BCPG)More
BusinessOne ConsultingMore
Cancer Society of Melbourne University (CSM)More
Chemistry Postgraduate Society (CPS)More
Chilean Research Group of Australia (CREGA)More
Classics and Archaeology Postgraduate Society (CAPS)More
Clinical Audiology Students' Association (CASA)More
Computing and Information Systems Graduate Research Student Group (CIS GReS)More
Construction Students Association (CSA)More
Criminal and Family Law Association (CFLA)More
Crossing Borders MelbourneMore
Dermatology Interest Society (DermIS)More
Earth Science Postgraduate Group (ESPG)More
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Research Student Association (EEERSA)More
FBE PhD Student Society (FBEPSS)More
Film, Art, Media and Entertainment Law Students Association (FAME LSA)More
Geography Postgraduate Society (GPS)More
Global Consulting Group (GCG)More
Global Law Students Association (GLSA)More
Graduate Agriculture and Food Society (GAFS)More
Graduate Education Society (GES)More
Graduate House Student Group (GHSG)More
Graduate Infrastructure Engineering Society (GIES)More
Graduate Organisation of Development Students (GOODS)More
Graduate Research Association MSPGH (GRAM)More
Graduate Researchers in Psychological Sciences (GRIPS)More
Graduate Yoga Society (GYS)More
Heart and Lung Society (HEALS)More
History Postgraduates Association (HPA)More
IEEE Women in Engineering University of Melbourne (IEEE-WIE-UoM)More
Indian Graduate Researchers Society (InGReS)More
Indian Graduate Students Society (IGSS)More
Indigenous Graduate Student Association (IGSA)More
International Graduate Student Wellbeing Group (IGSWG)More
Interprofessional Education and Practice Health Students Network (IPEP-HSN)More
Jacaranda Stock Market Society (JSMS)More
Korean Medical SocietyMore
Korean Postgraduate Student Association (KPSA)More
Later Law Students’ Network (LLSN)More
Latin American Student Association (LASA)More
Law Students For Refugees (LS4R)More
Lawyers Without Borders (LWOB)More
Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP)More
MD Badminton Club (MDBC)More
MD Choral and Acapella SocietyMore
MD Diverse Educational Backgrounds SocietyMore
MD Queer (MDQ)More
Mechanical Engineering Research Student Association (MERSA)More
Med MovesMore
Medleys – The Med RevueMore
Melbourne Business School Student Association (MBSSA)More
Melbourne Children’s Campus Research Students Association (MCCRSA)More
Melbourne Chinese Student Well-being Association (MCSWA)More
Melbourne Dental Post-Graduate Group (MDPGG)More
Melbourne Dental Students Society (MDSS)More
Melbourne Emergency & Critical Care Student Society (MECCSS)More
Melbourne Energy Students Association (MESA)More
Melbourne Law and Business Association (MLBA)More
Melbourne Population and Global Health Students Society (MPGHSS)More
Melbourne Postgraduate International Relations Organisation (MPIRO)More
Melbourne Social Inclusion Club (MSIC)More
Melbourne Sport Law AssociationMore
Melbourne University at Mercy Students (MUMs)More
Melbourne University Boxing (MUB)More
Melbourne University Civil and Structural Society (MUCSS)More
Melbourne University Diagnostic and Interventional Society (MUDIS)More
Melbourne University Electrical Engineering ClubMore
Melbourne University Gastrointestinal Society (MUGIS)More
Melbourne University Genetics Postgraduate Society (MUGPS)More
Melbourne University Geomatics Society (MUGS)More
Melbourne University Graduate Christian Union (MUGCU)More
Melbourne University Law Students’ Society (MULSS)More
Melbourne University Medics Paediatric Society (MUMPS)More
Melbourne University Nepali Students’ Society (MUNSS)More
Melbourne University Nursing Students’ Society (MUNSS)More
Melbourne University Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society (MUOGS)More
Melbourne University Physiotherapy Students Society (MUPSS)More
Melbourne University Procedural Society (MUPS)More
Melbourne University Taiwanese Student Association (MUTSA)More
Melbourne University Tamil SangamMore
MSD Research Students Association (MSDRSA)More
Music Therapy Graduate Student GroupMore
Neuropsychology Students Society (NSS)More
Ophthalmic Research Biomedical Society (ORBS)More
Outlook Rural Health ClubMore
Paraguayan Student Association (PSA)More
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Research Students SocietyMore
Pharmacology United with Biochemistry Students (PUBS)More
Philosophy Postgraduate Group (PPG)More
Polyglots in Medicine (PIM)More
Postgraduate Association of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Researchers (PACBER)More
Postgraduate Environment Network (PEN)More
Postgraduate Physics Students’ Society (PPSS)More
Postgraduate Student Society for Infection and Immunity (POSSIIM)More
Postgraduates at Werribee (PAWS)More
Postgraduates of Veterinary Science (POVS)More
Psychiatry Students' Interest SocietyMore
Public Interest Law Network (PILN)More
Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgical Society (RASS)More
Rogue Crims – Criminology PhD Graduate Student GroupMore
Royal Women’s Hospital Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and Newborn Health Student SocietyMore
School of Languages and Linguistics (SOLL) Postgrad GroupMore
Social Work Association of Graduate Students (SWAGS)More
Speech Pathology Students’ Society (SPSS)More
Sri Lankan Graduates’ Society (SLGS)More
St Vincent’s Student Society (SVSS)More
Statistics and Mathematics Postgraduate Society (STAMPS)More
Strive Student Health Initiative Inc. (STRIVE)More
Student Conservators @ MelbourneMore
Students in Orthopaedic and Musculoskeletal Academia (SOMA)More
Students in Primary Care Research (SPCR)More
Students in Primary Care Research Publishing Group (SPCR-P)More
Students in Renewable Energy (SIRE)More
Students of Neuropsychiatry Research (SONR)More
Students of Royal Melbourne (STORM)More
Students of the Florey Institute (SOFI)More
Surgical Students’ Society of Melbourne (SSSM)More
The NavigatorsMore
The Urban CollectiveMore
University of Melbourne Biotech ClubMore
University of Melbourne Infectious Disease Society (UMIDS)More
University of Melbourne Iranian Society (UMIS)More
University of Melbourne Medical Students’ Society (UMMSS)More
University of Melbourne Optometry Students Society (UMOSS)More
Victorian Environmental Law Student Network (VELSN)More
Vietnamese Unimelb Graduate Scholar Network (VGSN)More
Western Clinical School Health Initiative Program (WCSHIP)More
Wilderness Medicine Students’ Society (WMSS)More
World of Mahjong (WOM)More