About Policy and Advocacy

Our Policy and Advocacy team work to help create better change for graduate students at the University of Melbourne. With the help of the Representative Council and other student-facing representative groups, we’ve been representing better outcomes for students since 1994, to the University of Melbourne, the government, the education sector and the wider student community. 

Whether we’re working to advocate for improved conditions on campus, safer environments for students on campus or on placement, fighting for social issues, we put students first.  

Our recent wins!

Rental Crisis InquiryGSA’s input on Australia’s rental crisis featured in the government’s interim report. We’ve also created a rental toolkit to help students with accommodation and rights.

Advocating for Dual DeliveryGSA is advocating for fair dual delivery to support students with off-campus commitments.

COVID-19 Stipend Extension Win – Graduate researchers’ advocacy reinstated the COVID-19 stipend extension for impacted students.

Supporting Unpaid Carers
GSA’s submission on unpaid carers highlighted graduate student challenges, with recommendations reflected in the final report.

Universities Accord SubmissionGSA’s equity recommendations were included in the Australian Universities Accord Final Report.


If you would like to contact us about an advocacy issue you would like to see us take action on, please email: policy_advocacy@gsa.unimelb.edu.au  

Projects and Submissions 

Learn how our Policy and Advocacy projects are making a difference—explore our latest submissions to see the impact we’re creating.

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