
In accordance with the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic) (the AIR Act), UMGSA operates under a set of rules that it calls a Constitution. The purpose of this document is to provide GSA members (including GSA Board, Representative Council Members and Faculty Council Members) with an overview of the key provisions of the Constitution as well as their general duties and responsibilities. GSA amended its constitution in 2024 to refine, align with new regulatory requirements and its strategic goals to better serve its graduate community. 

View Constitution PDF

Governance Charter

The GSA Governance Charter sets out the legal and governance framework within which GSA functions. It provides a clear outline of the relationships, roles, responsibilities and processes as they relate to GSA’s governance structure. It also outlines how GSA works with its key stakeholders to promote high standards of corporate governance and member confidence in GSA. The Governance Charter is designed to be read in conjunction with the Constitution, GSA’s Code of Ethics and Conduct, GSA Board policies and the Electoral Regulations.

View Governance Charter PDF


Electoral Regulations

The GSA Electoral Regulations are made by the Electoral Tribunal in accordance with rule 13.5(a) of the Constitution. 

View Electorial Regulations PDF

GSA Honorarium

An honorarium is an honorary payment made to someone in recognition of their professional service. It is typically a good will payment made as an indication of appreciation and to honour an individual for their service. The GSA constitution at clauses 7.2 & 9.2 specifies that recipients of honorarium payments are not employees of the Association and are not entitled to benefits resulting from employment.

View Honorarium PDF

GSA Regulations for Representative Council and Faculty Council

The purpose of this document is to outline the regulations and responsibilities of the Representative Council and Faculty Council of the University of Melbourne Graduate Student Association Inc. It specifies the composition, eligibility, election process, and duties of council members, as well as rules regarding meetings, cessation, and filling of vacancies.

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Regulations for Representative Council Composition and Eligibility

This regulation outlines the composition of Representative Council for 2024/2025 term. It also provides the qualifications and/or eligibility requirements for Representative Councillor’s representing particular constituencies.

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Organisational Policies

Access and Equity Policy

Feedback/Complaint Process Framework

First Nations Peoples Commitment Policy

Respectful Workplace Policy

Policy Development and Review Policy

Notifiable Data Breach Policy

Media Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy

First Nations Peoples Recognition Policy

Social Media Policy

Privacy Policy

Intellectual Property Ownership and General Copyright Policy

Environmental Sustainability Management Plan Policy 

Customer Service Charter Policy 

Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy

Email Policy

Stakeholder Engagement Policy