Provisional Declaration Of GSA 2024 Annual Elections
The following positions have been declared provisionally elected:
Board |
Activities Officer |
Disability and Equity Officer |
Education (Coursework) Officer |
Education (Research) Officer |
Environment and Sustainability Officer |
Families Officer |
Health and Welfare Officer |
International Officer |
Queer Officer |
Women’s Officer |
Arts Faculty Representatives |
Business and Economics Faculty Representatives |
Engineering and IT Faculty Representatives |
Law Council Faculty Representatives |
Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences Representatives |
Science Faculty Representatives |
Previously declared provisionally elected unopposed
Southbank Officer |
Architecture, Building and Planning Faculty Representatives |
Education Faculty Representatives |
Fine Arts and Music Faculty Representative |
Appeals can be lodged until Wednesday May 1 with the Returning Officer at or directly to the Electoral Tribunal.
The First Nations Officer, and the second Fine Arts and Music Faculty Representative remain unfilled and can be filled by casual vacancy.
Stephen Luntz
Returning Officer
Above Quota Elections