Taylor Broadbent

Representative Council: Women’s Officer Nominee

Taylor Broadbent has served as the Women’s Officer for the Graduate Student Association over the past year and hopes to earn your trust for another term.

She has exceeded her election promises by organizing Women’s Networking and Leadership events, hosting two Market Days with 20+ organizations promoting Women’s Health and Gender-Based Violence Prevention, and distributing 200+ Women’s Wellness packs during SWOTVAC. Taylor has been a strong advocate for graduate student women through the Respect at University Reference Group and contributed to GSA’s Strategic Action Planning and Reconciliation Action Plan Committees, as well as the University’s Respect @ Uni Week Planning Committee.

If re-elected, she will continue advocating for graduate student women and expanding impactful programs and services.

Outside GSA, Taylor is pursuing a Master’s in Public Policy and Management with a focus on Indigenous Governance. A proud citizen of the Cherokee Nation, she brings a unique perspective as both an Indigenous and international student. Passionate about advancing Indigenous women, she is dedicated to empowering all women into leadership.

Taylor is running with TOGETHER and encourages you to vote [1] for all TOGETHER candidates to support student livelihood, responsible governance, and an uplifted university experience.