Academic Skills Submission

Academic Skills Submission GSA has responded to the proposed changes in the University of Melbourne’s Academic Skills Division, stressing the need for alignment of staff advisor hours with students’ requirements. […]
Submission to the International Education Strategy 2021-2030 Consultation

Submission to the International Education Strategy 2021-2030 Consultation GSA submit recommendations for the Australian Strategy for International Education 2021-2030, stressing the need for meaningful engagement with international students. GSA provides […]
Graduate Researchers Report

Graduate Researchers Report GSA’s report examines the impact of Covid-19 on graduate researchers at the University of Melbourne. It highlights challenges faced due to limited support, including students falling behind […]
2021-2022 Pre-budget Submission

2021-2022 Pre-budget Submission In their pre-budget submission, GSA emphasizes four crucial areas for government investment: strengthening graduate research, supporting international students, educating the future workforce, and promoting health and well-being. […]
GSA’s advocacy wins 2020

GSA’s advocacy wins 2020 In 2020, GSA successfully advocated for several key policies at the University of Melbourne. GSA secured expanded Covid-19 leave and extended research timelines, addressed privacy concerns […]
Submission to Senate Inquiry on unlawful underpayment of wages

Submission to Senate Inquiry into unlawful underpayment of employees’ remuneration In response to the Senate Economics Reference Committee Inquiry, GSA highlights pervasive wage theft issues affecting university staff and students. […]
2020-21 Pre-budget submission

2020-21 Pre-budget submission In this submission to the Treasury, GSA outlines crucial budgetary recommendations for the Government’s 2020/21 Budget. Proposals include boosting public investment in university research and teaching, extending […]
RHD timely completion

RHD timely completion GSA acknowledges the importance of timely completion for graduate researchers at the University of Melbourne. The policy advocates for initiatives focusing on comprehensive support, supervisor training, dedicated […]
Professional editors for RHD theses

Professional editors for RHD theses GSA supports the University of Melbourne’s policy restricting the use of professional editors for research theses, advocating for opportunities to enhance academic writing skills instead. […]
Study spaces for graduate students

Study spaces for graduate students GSA’s policy highlights the importance of adequate study spaces for all graduate students at the University of Melbourne. It advocates for equal access for graduate […]