Placement: Student perspectives, concerns and priorities for change

GSA’s Education (Coursework) Officer developed this report highlighting graduate students’ experiences of placements and recommendations for change.
TEQSA guidance notes on course design, learning outcomes and more

GSA submits feedback on TEQSA’s guidance notes on course design, learning outcomes and assessment, and learning resources, and education support. GSA carries a strong vision for inclusive, empowered graduate student communities that achieve meaningful and holistic university experiences, and encourages continued involvement of students and representative bodies in shaping TEQSA guidance notes to ensure they meet students’ needs.
Consultation for assessment reform in the age of artificial intelligence

In this report, GSA welcomes the opportunity for GSA student representatives to provide feedback on the TEQSA ‘Assessment for reform for the age of artificial intelligence’ discussion paper. GSA strives to ensure that student voices guide the feedback it gives and has taken valuable comments made by GSA representatives on the prospects, nature and development that can take place in the higher education sector with artificial intelligence.
A framework for educational excellence at the University of Melbourne

A framework for educational excellence at the University of Melbourne GSA’s feedback on the University of Melbourne’s Framework for Educational Excellence emphasizes the need for student-led initiatives, practical culture change […]
Response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report

Response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report In response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report, GSA articulates the perspectives of University of Melbourne’s graduate students, detailing areas of […]
TEQSA guidance on diversity, equity, student grievances, and wellbeing

TEQSA guidance notes on diversity and equity, student grievances and complaints, and wellbeing and safety In this report, GSA provides valuable feedback on TEQSA’s guidance notes, focusing on diversity, equity, […]
Engagement with Grad Students and Grad Researchers

Engagement with Graduate Students and Graduate Researchers GSA presents key highlights from the Graduate Students and Researchers Engagement Report, offering valuable insights into research supervision. The report delves into diverse […]
Authorship Policy Submission to UoM

Authorship Policy Submission to UoM In this report, GSA outlines key insights intended to streamline and enhance the University of Melbourne’s Authorship Policy. Addressing the challenges faced by students, GSA […]
Dual-delivery Learning Recommendations

Dual-delivery Learning Recommendations for the University of Melbourne GSA has presented a comprehensive set of proposals to the University aimed at maximizing the impact of dual-delivery and enriching the educational […]
Amendments to Assessment and Results Policy

Submission to the Amendments to Assessment and Results Policy In response to proposed grading changes, GSA puts forth the perspectives of students that proposes a more inclusive and transparent grading […]