Sparsh Sethi

  • Board Member Nominee
  • Representative Council: Education (Coursework) Officer Nominee
  • Representative Council: Environment and Sustainability Officer Nominee
  • Faculty Council: Arts Nominee

Education (Coursework) Officer:

I’m a masters student in the stream of Social Policy. Applying for the post of Education Officer is of utmost importance to me. I believe the University is home to some of the brightest minds when it comes to coursework students around the world. This role brings forth an opportunity to represent a community of like minded individuals. I will make sure I put forward all the needs of my fellow coursemates as well as all the other University students that require a voice to their needs. I shall remain unbiased and fair in my decision making towards anyone who approaches me.

Environment and Sustainability Officer:

Being a student of Social Policy, contesting for the post of Environment and Sustainability Officer comes naturally to me. Sustainability is one of the more important issues that needs immediate addressing at all points of time. Developing a holistic environment on campus shall be one of my primary goals during my tenure if selected for the post. My prior experience of working with the University of Delhi should come in handy during my time as an office bearer for the UniMelb. I have a track record of being vigilant and serious towards my college and this time shall be no different.