Royal Women’s Hospital Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and Newborn Health Student Society 
RWH ObGynNH Student Society (ROSS) is a student led group based at the Royal Women’s Hospital (RWH). Our group is made up of graduate and honours students within the Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and Newborn Health (ObGynNH). Our primary aim is to foster inclusiveness and community within our space at the RWH, to provide students with the opportunity to thrive and prosper. Via hosting of various social events and provision of a safe space for students to voice their concerns we hope to improve the overall graduate school experience of our members. We also operate in close collaboration with Melbourne University at Mercy Students (MUMs), a similar society containing Department of ObGynNH students based at the Mercy Hospital for Women. This allows us a close connection between the 2 main sites our department is spread out across