Melbourne Law and Business Association (MLBA) 
The Melbourne Law and Business Association (MLBA) aims to promote social and academic interaction among Melbourne Law School (MLS) students interested in the various aspects of business, corporate, and financial law.
The MLBA aims to host speaker panels from various areas of interest, networking events, information sessions, and social activities that encourage cultural exchange and academic discussion, and generally provides a forum through which members may pursue their interests in developing a career in business law within and outside of law. In facilitating these events, the MLBA provides opportunities for MLS students to learn from and connect with litigators and transactional lawyers from law firms across the country. Our goal is to enhance the legal education of our members and to promote an interdisciplinary curriculum in business, corporate, and financial law that builds upon the resources of MLS. We are also devoted to keeping the university community abreast of relevant developments in the intersection between law and business.