Want to make a difference to graduate students?

Get involved in student led positions for a richer student experience. 

Whether that’s advocating for change, providing support or acting as a representative between students and the University, we offer a number of student led roles to enrolled graduate students at the University of Melbourne to help improve student life.

We offer positions to students in the following areas:

  • Board – Members of the Board fulfill the legal obligations of the Association, provide governance and compliance oversight of GSA. 
  • Representative council – GSA represents graduate students at the University through 12 elected representatives. These representatives look after the needs of groups of students, such as women, students with families, LGBTQIA+ students and more. 
  • Faculty council – Faculty Council Members serve as representatives and advocates for students of their respective faculty. 

ONLY GSA members are eligible to nominate/apply for these roles. 

A casual vacancy occurs when a board, representative council, or faculty council position becomes vacant or was not filled in the last election. Members appointed through a casual vacancy serve until the conclusion of the first annual general meeting following their appointment.

Current casual vacancies

There are no vacancies available at the moment. 

Further information