Information for candidates

How do I nominate myself?

Nominations for election to the GSA Board, Representative Council and Faculty Council, open three weeks before the date of an election and close at 5PM two weeks before the date of an election.

Nominations (if any) for casual vacancies in the GSA Board or Representative Council or Faculty Council close at 5PM three business days before the date of the election.

To view the nomination dates for the 2025 GSA Elections, click HERE

All nominations must be submitted in writing to the Returning Officer via the Nomination Form.

Click HERE to nominate using the online form. Forms will also be available at the GSA Reception during the nomination period.

GSA Elected Representative Honoraria 

GSA Elected Representatives will be paid an honorarium.

The General Secretary may request proof of enrolment to confirm that GSA Elected Representatives are entitled to receive an honorarium as per the constitution (Clause 7.3 (b), 9.4 (b), 10.6(b)) following the election process. GSA has an obligation to verify that international students nominating for elected representatives have sufficient work rights to receive honorarium payments. The Returning Officer will verify this as part of checking the nominations. 

Please see attached the Honorarium Memo  


All GSA Board members, Representative and Faculty Councillors are elected by the graduate students at a general election. 

General elections will be held annually, within the first eight weeks of the first Semester and must be completed at least two weeks prior to the AGM as per clause 2.9 (f) of the Electoral Regulations. 

All elections must be: 

  • held by secret ballot; 
  • held pursuant to the Electoral Regulations; and 
  • regulated by the Electoral Tribunal. 

As per clause 2.18 of the Electoral Regulations, there must be a separate ballot for GSA Board, Representative Council and Faculty Council. 

Click below to find out more about the 2025 elections

2025 Elections

Positions for Election

Click below to see which positions are available for nominations in 2025.

Positions for Election