Pursuant to Rule 7.6 of the GSA Constitution, a person is eligible to be elected as a GSA Board Member if the person:
- supports the Purpose of UMGSA;
- is a Member of UMGSA;
- is not currently and has not been within the past twelve months, a staff member of UMGSA or a member of the governing body or a staff member of any organisation (other than the UMGSA) listed in schedule four of the University of Melbourne Council Regulation from time to time;
- is not disqualified from acting as Directors under the Corporations Act 2001(Cth) or as Responsible Persons under the ACNC Legislation.
For the 2025 GSA Elections, there will be five Board positions available for election.
Only GSA Board members are eligible to be Board Officials. The Board Official positions are elected by the GSA Board members from among the GSA Board members (Rule 8.3 (a) of the GSA Constitution).
GSA Board members are elected by the graduate students of UMGSA in accordance with UMGSA’s Electoral Regulations (Rule 4).
GSA Board members and Board Officials will be paid an honorarium to be determined by the Members at a general meeting (Rule 7.3 of GSA constitution).
GSA Board members and Board Officials are not employees of UMGSA (Rule 7.2)
Board members elected by the members hold office for two years.
A GSA Board member appointed by the members to fill a casual vacancy holds office until the conclusion of the first annual general meeting following their appointment.
A GSA Board member may be re-elected for one further term only (Rule 7.8 (c)).
Representative Council
The composition of the Representative Council is set out in Rule 9.7 of the GSA Constitution.
If you seek more information about the GSA Representative Council, you can find it here. Additionally, you can access the Position Description for GSA Representative Council by clicking here.
Pursuant to Rule 9.7 of the GSA constitution, individuals seeking election to the GSA Representative Council must:
- support the Principal Purpose of UMGSA;
- be a Member of UMGSA;
- is not a Board member or Faculty Councillor;
For 2025 Elections, the following positions are up for elections:
- Activities Officer
- Women’s Officer *
- International Officer *
- Health and Welfare Officer
- Families Officer *
- Queer Officer *
- Education (Coursework) Officer *
- Education (Research) Officer *
- First Nations Officer *
- Environment and Sustainability Officer
- Disability and Equity Officer *
- Melbourne Online Officer *
* Specific eligibility and restriction requirements apply to these roles. Refer here for details.
Representative Councillors are directly elected to a portfolio by the graduate students at a general election (Rule 9.8 of the GSA constitution).
Representative Councillors will be paid an honorarium to be determined by the Members at a general meeting (Rule 9.4 of GSA Constitution).
Representative Councillors are not employees of UMGSA (Rule 9.3 of GSA Constitution).
Representative Councillors elected by the members hold office for one year (Rule 9.9(a) of the GSA Constitution).
Representative Councillors appointed by the Representative Council to fill a casual vacancy hold office until the conclusion of the first annual general meeting following their appointment (Rule 9.9(b) of the GSA Constitution).
Representative Councillors may be re-elected for one further term only (Rule 9.9(c) of the GSA Constitution).
Pursuant to Rule 10.3 of the GSA Constitution, individuals seeking election to the GSA Faculty Council must:
- support the Principal Purpose of UMGSA;
- be a Member of UMGSA;
- is not a board member or Representative Councillor;
- be enrolled and currently undertaking a course in the relevant faculty (6.3 (a)(ii) of the Electoral Regulations)
Faculty |
Number of positions available |
Architecture, Building and Planning |
x1 Position |
Arts |
x1 Position |
Business and Economics |
x1 Position |
Education |
x1 Position |
Engineering and Information Technology |
x1 Position |
Fine Arts and Music |
x1 Position |
Law |
x1 Position |
Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences |
x1 Position |
Science |
x1 Position |
GSA Faculty Councillors are elected by the graduate students in their respective faculties at a general election (Rule 10.4 of GSA’s Constitution).
Faculty Councillors will be paid an honorarium to be determined by the Members at a general meeting (Rule 10.6 of GSA Constitution). This will be determined at the upcoming 2025 AGM.
Faculty Councillors are not employees of UMGSA (Rule 10.5 of GSA Constitution).
Faculty Councillors elected by the members hold office for one year (Rule 10.8(a) of the GSA Constitution).
Faculty Councillors appointed by the Faculty Council to fill a casual vacancy hold office until the conclusion of the of the first annual general meeting following their appointment (Rule 10.8(b) of the GSA Constitution).
Faculty Councillors may be re-elected for one further term only (Rule 10.8(c) of the GSA Constitution).