GSA Elections

GSA is a graduate student-led organisation, for graduate students. We elect student representatives to assist in running GSA and to represent the student body at the University of Melbourne. GSA’s new Constitution, adopted in 2020, provides leadership roles for up to 41 graduate students. Any enrolled graduate student at the University of Melbourne is eligible to vote in GSA elections, however, only GSA members are eligible to stand in elections.

The 2024 GSA Elections has now concluded. The final declared results are available here. Details of 2025 elections will be made available at a later date.

2024 Elections

What do students vote for?

Students vote for their representatives to represent them and their needs to the University of Melbourne and the wider community. 

Board members elected by the members hold office for three years (2 years as per proposed revised constitution). A GSA Board member appointed via a casual vacancy, holds office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting following their appointment. For more information about the Board, click here.

Representative Council members are elected by members to their respective portfolios for one year.  A GSA Representative Council Member appointed via a casual vacancy holds office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting following their appointment. For more information about the Representative Council, click here.

Faculty Council members are elected by other graduate students in their faculty (Clause 10 (c) of the constitution) for one year.  A GSA Faculty Council Member appointed via a casual vacancy holds office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting following their appointment. For more information about the faculty council, click here.

Further information

GSA elections must be held pursuant to the Electoral Regulations; and regulated by the Electoral Tribunal.

Information for candidates