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Arts Graduate Employability Panel


March 18 @ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm


Arts Hall, Old Arts



Come and join our panelists in discussing Arts internships and career paths!

GSA x Faculty of Arts: Arts Graduate Employability Panel

Are you a graduate student from Faculty of Arts at UniMelb? Come along to our panel where we will explore internships, career paths, and advice from our panelists who were also Arts students.

We will have:

  • A panel discussion with Arts alumni on internship & career paths after graduation, hosted by our GSA representatives
  • Networking with panelists & GSA reps
  • Free bites!

PLEASE NOTE: this is an event for University of Melbourne graduate students from Faculty of Arts only. When you login to Eventbrite to register, please use your UoM student email. Orders made that do not include a UoM student email and ID will be cancelled.

If you would like further information please email events@gsa.unimelb.edu.au