Contact us

Call us on (03) 8344 8657 or 1800 GSA HELP (1800 472 435) from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday–Friday.

For general enquiries:

For general enquiries, please email 

For anything else 

GSA reception

Monday–Friday: 9.00am–5.00pm
Closed weekends

Central doors, 1888 Building (G01)
University of Melbourne
Parkville, Victoria 3010

1888 Building opening hours

The 1888 Building is accessible to graduate students from 8am – 11pm, Monday to Sunday.

The building will remain open with swipe card access during the Christmas Holidays, with the exception of public holidays.

Please note graduate students are advised to carry their student cards with them at all times when accessing the 1888 Building.

Find us on campus

1888 Building

For more information about the 1888 Building and relevant maps, please visit our 1888 Building page. 

Social media

Follow us on social media:


Instagram: @gsa_unimelb or

