Welcome to GSA’s Grad Groups, where vibrant student-led societies thrive! Designed to foster interaction, well-being, and learning opportunities among the graduate student community at the University of Melbourne.

There are 160+ Grad Groups currently affiliated with GSA to suit graduate students’ interests and goals while at University, whether it’s to be more active, make new friends, find professional networks or get involved in a hobby.

About Grad Groups

Learn more about Grad Groups, how joining one can enhance your student experience and how you can get involved.

About Grad Groups

Join a Grad Group

Discover over 120 Grad Groups available for graduate students to join and make the most of their university experience. Whether it's to make friends, have new experiences, build upon skills or develop professional networks, there is a Grad Group for everyone!  

Join a Grad Group

Start a Grad Group

Can't find the ideal Grad Group for you? Don't worry, GSA has got your back! Start your own group and tap into the resources and support that GSA provides.

Start a Grad Group

Grad Group Support

Learn more about how GSA supports our Grad Groups and connect with our dedicated Grad Group team for further assistance. 

Grad Group support

Grad Group Portal

Access the Grad Groups portal to manage your group's information, funding, events, and access resources and guidance. 

Grad Group portal