What is the program?

GSA is thrilled to roll out our brand-new mentoring program for international students, and we want YOU to play a pivotal role in shaping it. Created by our International Officer Ethan, this program is designed to create meaningful connections within our dynamic GSA community.

If you’re an international student looking for guidance, or a domestic or international student eager to share your experiences, this program is your chance to be a part of a supportive network. The program will span semester 1 2024, providing invaluable assistance to our international students as they navigate University and Melbourne life.

As a mentor, you’ll not only make a positive impact but also get the chance to engage in workshops and events that will further enrich your experience.

The program is designed to span semester 1, 2024, with the primary goal of assisting international graduate students in transitioning to life at the University of Melbourne and in the City of Melbourne.


Being a mentor

Curious about being a mentor? Here are some of the benefits you’ll receive:

  • Personal Growth: Develop leadership and communication skills, fostering self-awareness and responsibility.

  • Cultural Exchange: Connect with international students, sharing diverse experiences and perspectives for a rich cultural exchange.

  • Networking: Expand your professional network, connecting with mentors, coordinators, and accessing valuable collaboration opportunities.

  • Fulfillment: Experience the satisfaction of positively impacting someone’s university journey, contributing to a sense of fulfillment.


  • Enjoy a $100 grocery gift card upon completion of the program
  • Melbourne Plus certification 
  • You must be a currently enrolled graduate student at the Univeristy of Melbourne (both international and domestic students are encouraged to apply
  • You must have completed a minimum of 1 semester of study at the University of Melbourne
Key dates / workshops

In addition to meeting with your mentee(s) throughout the semester, your mandatory time commitment will involve participating in the following workshops and events:

1. Mentor induction workshop
2. Launch event (Mid-Feb/ start of semester)
3. In-person workshop with your peer mentees (Early April)
4. End-of-program celebration event (Mid-late-May/ SWOTVAC)

More information on expectations and responsibilities will be provided via email and during a short Zoom chat with the International Officer after your application has been received.

Applications for mentors are now closed.


Being a mentee

Curious about being a mentee? Here are some of the benefits you’ll receive:

  • Guidance and Support: Receive personalized guidance and support from experienced mentors, easing the transition to university life.
  • Cultural Exposure: Engage in a cultural exchange by connecting with mentors, sharing experiences, and gaining insights into diverse perspectives.
  • Networking Opportunities: Expand your network by connecting with fellow mentees and participating in program events, potentially leading to valuable friendships.
  • Personal Development: Benefit from the wisdom and experience of mentors, fostering personal growth, and gaining valuable insights for your academic and personal journey.
  • Incentives: Gain access to valuable resources and support, enhancing your university experience, and potentially leading to future collaborations.
  • You must be a currently enrolled international graduate student at the Univeristy of Melbourne 

Mentees will also be expected to demonstrate the following characteristics:

  • Willingness to participate and be challenged
  • Prepared to bring issues and challenges for discussion
  • Able to approach the relationship with respect and openness
Key dates / workshops

In addition to meeting with your mentor throughout the semester, your mandatory time commitment will involve participating in the following workshops and events:

1. Launch event (Mid-Feb/ start of semester)
2. In-person workshop with your peer mentees (Early April)
End-of-program celebration event (Mid-late-May/ SWOTVAC)

Expressions of interest to be a mentee are now closed. If you expressed interest please keep an eye on your emails for further info. 



If you require further information, please reach out to Ethan, the International Officer, at international@gsa.unimelb.edu.au