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A brief introduction to the languages and writing systems used on the Iranian Plateau, from the Proto-Elamite script (3300-3000 BC) to the Finglish phenomenon


June 24, 2023 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Manhary Room, Melbourne Connect, 700 Swanston, Melbourne



Hosted by the UoM Iranian Society (UMIS)

Francois Desset is a European archaeologist and philologist specializing in Bronze Age Near Eastern (and Iranian) archaeology. He got his PhD in 2011 at Sorbonne University (Paris), taught at Tehran University from 2015 to 2020, and has been involved in archaeological fieldwork in the Jiroft area since 2006. Between 2018 and 2020, he led the decipherment of the Linear Elamite writing, an Iranian 3rd millennium BC script and the most ancient phonetic writing system in the World


In-person event Registration for UniMelb Student (Cost: $0.00) via https://umsu.unimelb.edu.au/events/7021/3030/

In-Person event Registration for UniMelb Staff (Cost: $5.00) via https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HqTeBePw62qNbkuYCOK4z3lJii2P2I6zidT0R65WEN4/edit?pli=1

In-person event Registration for non-UniMelb interested individuals (Cost: $5.00) via email to umis.unimelb@gmail.com

Date: 24th June 17-20 PM  (Presentation time: 18-19 pm)

In-Person Venue: Manhary Room, Melbourne Connect, 700 Swanston, Melbourne

Zoom: https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/87609516391?pwd=Z0NLTGRxMnp6Q3dTekQvdkJWZWFFZz09
    Password: 355073