Sakshi Chawla Environment and Sustainability Officer


My motivation for working towards a sustainable natural environment has existed since I was a teenager and I saw my grandfather very neatly fold and save each plastic bag for reuse consistently. Today I see myself doing the same and realize that sustainability to a great extent is defined by one’s lifestyle and every day choices. While perusing architecture in my bachelor’s degree, I realized my passion for sustainability when I saw how people are building towards a dead end. Thereafter, dwelling on the urge to build sustainable habitats and foster better human lifestyles, I participated in various workshops in India; Bamboo construction, Rammed Earth construction and a few short courses on energy efficient building software; where I gained hands-on experience in developing and implementing sustainable practices. My current Masters in the University of Melbourne is aimed at gaining a deeper knowledge of Sustainability and Environment. In summary, my academic background, practical experience, and passion for environmental sustainability make me a suitable candidate for the role of Environment and Sustainability Officer with GSA. If elected, I would work towards promoting sustainable practices on campus and increasing awareness about environmental issues. I am excited about the opportunity to work with my fellow GSA team members to create a positive impact in and around the university campus.

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